. Stampin' Shilo: New Classes

Address Change

Please note that I now live in Hanover. Phone number is 519-506-5589.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Classes

I have decided to host a couple of last minute classes that will make some great Christmas gifts if you choose.
The first class will feature a glass block with a stamped snowman on it as well as a 2009 calendar and a card. This gift class will be held on Sunday December 7th at 1pm. The cost for both items is $35.00. Here are some pictures of the items that will be made. Please register by Tuesday November 25 because I need to order the supplies.

The second class is a Christmas Planner. This is created with a metal DVD tin and has some pockets for receipts, and planner sheets for shopping lists, menu planning, stocking stuffers etc. This class will cost $25.00. The event will happen on Wednesday December 10 at 7Pm. Please register by Tuesday November 25 so ensure delivery of the supplies needed.

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